if your mother doesn't like you to watch any television. your father thinks you should be allowed to watch as much television as you like, as long as it's educational. why do they different opinions? what is your opinion? do you agree with one of them, both of them, or neither of them? tell why your ideas would be better for kids your age? and my age is 12 :D

No one has exactly the same experiences and ideas. When I was a child, growing up before television, I learned to entertain myself by reading, listening to the radio, playing games, and playing outside. Today as an old lady, I don't watch TV but entertain myself with Jiskha, reading, doing craft projects, Solitaire, and working word puzzles.

These two sites presents reasons for or against children watching TV.



I don't object to children watching TV but strongly believe they should also find many other interests to entertain themselves.

It's not uncommon for parents to have different opinions on matters concerning their children's activities, such as television watching. In this case, your mother's opposition to watching any television might be due to concerns about excessive screen time, content appropriateness, or simply wanting you to focus on other activities. On the other hand, your father's support for educational television likely stems from the belief that it can offer valuable learning opportunities and broaden your knowledge.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can present some ideas that might be beneficial for kids your age. Balancing both perspectives could be a more well-rounded approach.

Watching television, including educational programs, can provide interactive and engaging content that helps with learning. However, it's important to limit screen time and ensure that the content is age-appropriate and in line with your interests and educational goals. Here are a few reasons why finding a middle ground between your parents' viewpoints might be beneficial:

1. Educational value: Well-designed educational programs can enhance your knowledge and understanding of various subjects, including science, history, and art. This can supplement your school education and help you develop a broader perspective.

2. Entertainment and relaxation: Television can be an enjoyable pastime and provide a break from daily routines. Relaxation and leisure activities are important for overall well-being and can help reduce stress.

3. Broadening interests: Television can expose you to different hobbies, cultures, and perspectives, sparking curiosity and encouraging exploration beyond your immediate environment.

4. Critical thinking skills: When watching television, actively engaging with the content can enhance critical thinking and analytical skills. Discussing topics and questioning the information presented can foster a healthy skepticism and encourage independent thought.

5. Time management: Setting boundaries and managing screen time effectively is essential. Balancing television with other activities, such as reading, socializing, sports, or creative pursuits, is important for a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle.

It's always beneficial to have open and respectful discussions with your parents about their concerns and your own perspective. By finding a common ground and understanding each other's viewpoints, you can work together to establish reasonable guidelines for television watching that foster both education and entertainment.