I need two references from the play of Romeo and Juliet that show how Juliet doesn't get along with her mom...Please help


This is the time that you must go over the whole play again. Skip the scenes in which neither Juliet nor her mother appear.

look at act 3, scene 5.



To find two references from the play of Romeo and Juliet that show how Juliet doesn't get along with her mom, you can review the dialogue and scenes involving Juliet and her mother, Lady Capulet. Here are two examples:

1. Act 1, Scene 3: In this scene, Lady Capulet tries to convince Juliet to consider marrying Paris. However, Juliet expresses her objections, showcasing their lack of understanding. The dialogue between them demonstrates their strained relationship.

Lady Capulet: "Marry, that 'marry' is the very theme I came to talk of. Tell me, daughter Juliet, how stands your disposition to be married?"

Juliet: "It is an honor that I dream not of."

This exchange highlights how Juliet's desires and her mother's expectations clash, indicating their inability to get along.

2. Act 3, Scene 5: After Romeo has been banished, Lady Capulet enters to tell Juliet about her impending marriage to Paris. However, Juliet refuses to comply, resulting in a heated argument and further exemplifying their discord.

Lady Capulet: "Well, girl, thou weep'st not so much for his death, as that the villain lives which slaughtered him."

Juliet: "Indeed, I never shall be satisfied with Romeo till I behold him—dead—"

The confrontation in this scene reveals the deep-rooted conflict between Juliet and her mother, as their contrasting opinions on Romeo's banishment exacerbate their strained relationship.

By referring to these specific scenes, you can support your analysis of Juliet's strained relationship with her mom in Romeo and Juliet.