The perimeter of a rectangle is 92m. The length is 4m more than twice the width. Find the dimensions.


Length= 4+2w


Width= 14
Length= 32

Thank you Mary! You are a great help!

The perimeter of a rectangle is 48cm. If the length is 14cm, find its width

The perimeter of a rectangle is 48cm cm. If the length is 14cm, find its width

To find the dimensions of the rectangle, we can set up the following equations:

Let's assume that the width of the rectangle is "w" meters.
According to the given information, the length of the rectangle is "4m more than twice the width." So we can represent the length as "2w + 4" meters.

The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the sum of all its sides. For a rectangle, the perimeter is given by: P = 2(l + w), where "l" and "w" represent the length and width of the rectangle, respectively.

Using the information given, we can set up the equation:
2(2w + 4 + w) = 92

Now, let's solve for "w":

2(3w + 4) = 92
6w + 8 = 92
6w = 92 - 8
6w = 84
w = 84 / 6
w = 14

So, the width of the rectangle is 14 meters.

To find the length, substitute the value of "w" back into the expression for the length:
Length = 2w + 4
Length = 2(14) + 4
Length = 28 + 4
Length = 32

Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangle are:
Width = 14 meters
Length = 32 meters