Many of your questions had to do with CASES; in German there are three genders (masculine, feminine and neutral) and the CASES for them are as follows:

nominative - DER Vater ist groß
the father is big
genitive - der Hut DES Vaters ist neu
the father's hat is new
accusative - ich spreche mit DEM Vater
I speak with the father
dative - ich sehe DEN Vater
I see the father

nominative - DIE Mutter ist schön
the mother is beautiful
genitive - das Kleid DER Mutter ist rot
the mother's dress is red
accusative - ich spreche mit DER Mutter
I speak with the mother
dative - ich sehe DIE Mutter
I see the mother

nominative - DAS Kind ist klein
the child is small
genitive - die Puppe DES Kindes ist neu
the child's doll is new
accusative - ich spiele mit DEM Kind
I play with the child
dative - ich sehe DAS Kind
I see the child

The PLURAL - is the same for all genders:

nominative - DIE Väter sind groß
DIE Mütter sind schön
DIE Kinder sind brav

genitive - die Hüte DER Väter
die Kleider DER Mütter
die Puppen DER Kinder

accusative- ich spreche mit DEN Vätern
ich spreche mit DEN Müttern
ich spreche mit DEN Kindern

dative - ich sehe DIE Väter
ich sehe DIE Mütter
ich sehe DIE Kinder

I hope that helps a bit.


sorry, I mistakenly inverted the ACCUSATIVE and DATIVE cases on all the examples.
ich sehe DEN Vater is the ACCUSATIVE
ich spreche mit DEM Vater is the DATIVE

ich spiele mit DEM Kind is the DATIVE
ich sehe DAS Kind is the ACCUSATIVE

ich spreche mit DER Mutter is the DATIVE
ich sehe DIE Mutter is the ACCUSATIVE.

Also, when German is taught by English speaking teachers, the cases are:

When taught by German speaking teachers they are:

In addition to all the helpful information EG has given you, be sure to check out some of these. Many grammar websites for various languages are excellent. I've even found a couple of good ones for Latin!

these are SO helpful. thank you so much. i will definitely check out the website. thank you

Yes, your explanation about the cases in German is correct. In German, there are three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Each gender has its own set of endings for the different cases: nominative, genitive, accusative, and dative.

For the masculine gender, the endings are:
- Nominative: -ER
- Genitive: -ES
- Accusative: -EN
- Dative: -EM

For the feminine gender, the endings are:
- Nominative: -E
- Genitive: -ER
- Accusative: -E
- Dative: -ER

For the neuter gender, the endings are:
- Nominative: -(E)S
- Genitive: -(E)S
- Accusative: -(E)S
- Dative: -(E)M

In the plural form, the endings for all genders are the same:
- Nominative: -E
- Genitive: -ER
- Accusative: -E
- Dative: -EN

It's important to note that in some cases, there may be an additional -N or -EN ending for certain masculine and neuter nouns, when they are preceded by certain determiners or prepositions.

Learning the different cases and their endings is essential in German grammar, as it affects the articles, adjectives, and pronouns used with nouns. Practice and exposure to the language will help in mastering the correct usage of cases in German.