what are some bad points about building an empire?

i need some points for my essay about what people who support empire building would say and an example of why this is bad.

i got (securing natural resource by expansion leading to war), as a point already.

It sounds as if you need to read about a few people in history who built large empires and see if you can fathom why they did that, what the benefits were, and why no one stopped them.




(and others)

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i understand some benefits like showing superiority and gaining territories for natural resources

i just need more examples of why they would do that and how it can be argued is being bad

Have you read those articles?

Remember -- we don't do your work for you, but we'll be happy to point you in the right direction and then comment on YOUR ideas once you write them down.

i read 2 of the articles... do you think this argument would be good.

Some people believe that empire expansion is another way to protect a nations culture and religion by expanding, oppressing other cultures. But by expanding you leave your culture and religion vulnerable by being introduced to new cultures as you expand, people converting to different religions.

Yes, that's an additional main point to include.

Be sure to read and reread this:

To explore the negative aspects of building an empire, I will provide another point that people who support empire building might make and an example of why it could be considered bad.

Point: Economic exploitation and inequality.
Explanation: Supporters of empire building often argue that it leads to economic growth and access to new markets. However, one of the downsides of this expansion is the potential for economic exploitation and widening wealth gaps between the imperial power and the colonized territories.

Example: The British Empire and India.
During the British rule in India, the colonizers focused primarily on extracting resources and establishing a system that favored British economic interests. British companies monopolized Indian industries, leading to the decline of local enterprises. The exploitative economic policies implemented by the British resulted in widespread poverty, over-dependence on cash crops, and devastating famines. This example highlights how empire building can contribute to economic imbalances, leaving the colonized territories at a disadvantage.

Including these negative points in your essay will provide a well-rounded perspective on the negative consequences of empire building, counterbalancing potential arguments in favor of such enterprises. Remember to address both sides of the argument and provide evidence and examples to support your claims.