What is the ÄG for Hydroden Peroxide liquid?

Its not in my textbook.

To determine the ÄG (change in Gibbs free energy) for hydrogen peroxide liquid, you would typically need experimental data or thermodynamic properties specific to hydrogen peroxide at the temperature and pressure conditions of interest.

If the value is not available in your textbook, there are several ways to find the information online:

1. Chemical Databases: Online chemical databases like PubChem or ChemSpider provide a vast amount of information about various compounds, including hydrogen peroxide. They often list thermodynamic properties such as enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy.

2. Literature Search: Conducting a literature search on scientific platforms such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or academic journals can provide access to research papers or articles that discuss the thermodynamic properties of hydrogen peroxide.

3. Thermodynamic Calculators: Some online tools, such as the NIST Chemistry WebBook or various thermodynamic calculators available on different websites, offer access to thermodynamic data for different compounds. These tools allow you to input temperature, pressure, and other relevant factors to obtain the desired thermodynamic value.

Remember, it is important to cite and verify the accuracy of the information you find from external sources, especially when dealing with scientific data.