1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Is this a declarative sentence?

2. Which of these is a declarative sentence?
a. You will go to swim tomorrow.
b. I am hoping to be able to go to swim.
Is it a?

Thank you so much.

1. Yes.

2. Both are declarative sentences.

Yes, #1 is a declarative sentence.

In #2, both are declarative sentences.

But for #2, I think only one of them is right as I can only choose one of them.

Anyway, thanks.

Please check with your instructor about # 2. Both Writeacher and I are certified English teachers with many years of teaching English.

Also -- if one of those sentences is not declarative, which of the other three types of sentences could it be?

An imperative sentence makes a command or request.
An interrogative sentence asks a question.
An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling.

1. To determine if "The more things change, the more they stay the same" is a declarative sentence, we need to understand the characteristics of declarative sentences. Declarative sentences make statements or convey information. They typically end with a period and do not include commands, questions, or exclamations.

In this case, "The more things change, the more they stay the same" is a declarative sentence because it makes a statement about the relationship between change and consistency. It does not include a question, command, or exclamation.

2. To identify a declarative sentence between the options "You will go to swim tomorrow" and "I am hoping to be able to go to swim," we need to consider the same characteristics mentioned before.

Among the options, "a. You will go to swim tomorrow" is not a declarative sentence because it includes the use of the future tense "will" and a command-like implication. It suggests that someone is being instructed or directed to go swimming.

On the other hand, "b. I am hoping to be able to go to swim" is a declarative sentence. It conveys information or makes a statement about the speaker's desire to go swimming.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. "I am hoping to be able to go to swim."

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.