How do you say "you are invited" in spanish?

It depends upon whether the familiar or formal "you" is used, and whether the invited person is masculine or feminine

Estás invitado (or invitada, for a female person invited)
Usted está invitado (invitada)

To say "you are invited" in Spanish, you can say "estás invitado" if you are addressing a male or "estás invitada" if you are addressing a female. The word "estás" means "you are" in Spanish, and "invitado" means "invited" for a male, while "invitada" means "invited" for a female.

To get translation answers like this, you can use online translation tools or language learning apps that provide translations for different words and phrases. These tools often offer translation options for various languages, including Spanish. You can enter the English phrase "you are invited," select Spanish as the target language, and the tool will provide you with the corresponding translation. Remember that it's always a good idea to double-check translations with multiple sources to ensure accuracy.