i have to write a literary analysis for the poem, "the tide rises, the tide falls". in the poem ive chosen write abt two elements, imagery and symbolism. and ive to analyse their purpose, effect, and place in the literary work's meaning.

thus im just asking where can i get more insight and info for my essay. and could you explain what they mean by saying, analyse their purpose, effect, and place in the literary work's meaning".

Once you identify the imagery in this Longfellow poem, write about the effect that it has upon you and your interpretation of the poem. Why might the traveler never return to the shore?

The tide itself is one of the images. Another is "The little waves, with their soft, white hands
Effac(ing) the footprints in the sands"

For some analytical thoughts, see

Make sure you write about what the poem means to YOU, and what the images bring to your mind.

thanx for the help and insight!

To gather more insight and information for your essay on the poem "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls," there are several sources you can refer to:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem several times to fully understand its content and to identify the specific instances where imagery and symbolism are used.

2. Research the author: Look for background information on the author, in this case, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Understanding the poet's life, experiences, and other works can provide context for the interpretation of the poem.

3. Analyze literary devices: Pay attention to how imagery and symbolism are used in the poem. Imagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses, creating mental pictures. Symbolism, on the other hand, involves the use of objects, characters, or events to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

4. Consult literary analyses and critical essays: Look for scholarly articles, books, or online resources that provide analysis of the poem. These sources can offer interpretations, discussions on the poem's themes, and insights into the specific use of imagery and symbolism.

As for the meaning of "analyzing their purpose, effect, and place in the literary work's meaning," let's break it down:

1. Purpose: Determine why the poet used imagery and symbolism in the poem. Consider what the poet aims to achieve by incorporating these elements. Are they used to create a specific mood, convey emotion, or enhance the themes?

2. Effect: Examine the impact of imagery and symbolism on the reader's interpretation and understanding of the poem. Analyze how these literary devices contribute to the overall tone, atmosphere, or message of the poem.

3. Place in the literary work's meaning: Consider how imagery and symbolism shape the meaning of the poem. Reflect on how these elements contribute to the larger themes or ideas explored in the work. Analyze how the poem's meaning would change if imagery and symbolism were not present.

By thoroughly analyzing the purpose, effect, and place of imagery and symbolism in "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls," you can provide an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of these elements within the literary work.