How do I write this as a numeral?

Seven hundred seven hundred-thousandths

Seven hundred seven = 707

hundred-thousandths = 1/100,000
Seven hundred seven hundred-thousandths
= 707 / 100,000, or
= 0.007 07

To write "seven hundred seven hundred-thousandths" as a numeral, you need to understand the place value system. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the whole number part, which is "seven hundred." "Seven hundred" can be written as 700.

2. Now, let's focus on the decimal part, which is "seven hundred-thousandths." The decimal place after the whole number is tenths, followed by hundredths, thousandths, and so on. "Seven hundred-thousandths" means we have a number that is 700 times smaller than one whole.

3. To convert "seven hundred-thousandths" to a decimal, divide it by 1,000 (because there are 1,000 thousandths in one whole).

So, 700 / 1,000 = 0.7

Therefore, "seven hundred seven hundred-thousandths" can be written as a numeral as 700.7.