what is an example of genetic enginering helping people?

An example of genetic engineering helping people is the development of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops have been designed to possess specific traits that provide several benefits, including increased nutritional value, improved yields, and enhanced resistance to pests, diseases, and extreme environmental conditions.

To find more detailed and specific examples, we can follow these steps:

1. Research GM crops:

- Start by searching for information on genetically modified crops using reliable sources such as scientific journals, reputable websites, or academic papers.
- Look for studies or articles that discuss the positive impacts of genetic engineering in agriculture.

2. Review benefits:

- Analyze the information you've gathered and identify the specific advantages of genetic engineering in crops.
- Pay attention to examples that highlight how these benefits directly impact people.

3. Select an example:

- Choose a specific case that demonstrates the positive impact of genetic engineering on human well-being.
- Consider factors such as increased food production, improved nutrition, or reduced dependence on pesticides.

Some examples you might come across during your research include genetically modified rice fortified with vitamin A, known as "Golden Rice," which helps combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. Another example is Bt cotton, a genetically modified crop that produces a toxin harmful to insects, reducing the need for pesticides and increasing crop yields.

Remember to verify the information you find using credible sources and critically evaluate the potential pros and cons of genetic engineering in each specific case.