bob received a z score of 0.9 on a college entrance exam. If the raw scores have a mean of 540 and a standard deviation of 80 points,what is his raw score?

Z = (score - mean)/ standard deviation

.9 = (score - 540)/80

Solve for score.

i can learn statistics problems

The mean scores on the stats exam was 75 points with a standard deviation of 5 points and becks z score was -2. How many points did he score?

To calculate Bob's raw score, we can use the formula for z-scores:

z = (x - μ) / σ

z = the z-score
x = the raw score
μ = the mean of the distribution
σ = the standard deviation of the distribution

In this case, we are given:
z = 0.9
μ = 540
σ = 80

Rearranging the formula, we can solve for x:

x = z * σ + μ

Substituting the given values:

x = 0.9 * 80 + 540
x = 72 + 540
x = 612

Therefore, Bob's raw score is 612.