a ____ is a polyhedron that has two conguent faces called _____.

A cube is a polyhedron that has two congruent faces called squares.

To understand why a cube fits this description, let's break down the information:

1. Polyhedron: A polyhedron is a three-dimensional geometric shape with flat surfaces, straight edges, and sharp corners. It is composed of polygonal faces, which are flat and enclosed by straight edges.

2. Cube: A cube is a specific type of polyhedron that has several unique properties. It is a six-faced solid figure in which each face is a square. All six faces of a cube are congruent (identical) and have equal side lengths. The edges connecting the faces are also congruent, and the angles between adjacent edges are all right angles (90 degrees).

So, by definition, a cube is a polyhedron with two congruent faces called squares because all of its faces are squares, and any two of them can be considered congruent.