Mark fig. lang. sensory imagery peotic devices and any other diction and rhetoric

The something that I had noticed before clicked in the man's throat again, and he turned his back. The boat had returned, and his guard were ready, so we followed him to the landing-place made of rough stakes and stones and saw him put into the boat, whcih was rowed by a crew of convicts like himself
alliteration- stakes and stones and saw , crew of convicts

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were suppose to mark all figurative language, sensory imagery, peotic devices, and any other diction and rhetoric

To identify sensory imagery, poetic devices, and other elements of diction and rhetoric in the given text, let's break it down:

1. Sensory Imagery: Sensory imagery refers to language that appeals to our senses, such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. In the given text, we can identify some sensory imagery, such as "rough stakes and stones" and "rowed by a crew of convicts." These descriptions give us a visual image of the landing-place and the boat being rowed.

2. Poetic Devices: Poetic devices are literary techniques used to enhance the meaning and impact of poetry or prose. In the given text, we can identify one poetic device:

- Alliteration: Alliteration refers to the repetition of sounds, usually consonant sounds, at the beginning of neighboring words. We see alliteration in the phrase "stakes and stones and saw," where the "s" sound is repeated.

3. Other Diction and Rhetoric: Diction refers to the choice of words and their arrangement in a piece of writing, while rhetoric refers to the effective use of language to persuade or influence the reader. In the given text, we can identify the following:

- Specific Diction: Words such as "boat," "guard," "landing-place," "convicts," and "man" are all examples of specific diction that helps create a clear image of the scene.
- Rhetoric: The use of phrases like "turned his back" and "his guard were ready" creates a sense of anticipation and tension in the passage.

To analyze a text for these elements, it is helpful to carefully read the text, paying attention to specific details, and noting any literary devices, sensory descriptions, and powerful language choices.