How do you

determine whether to quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source?

Who are you writing for? Your potential audience would make a difference. Paraphrasing or summarizing could simplify the material for non-professional audiences.

Merely quoting does not indicate any understanding of what is said. Instructors would prefer paraphrasing or summarizing to indicate you're understanding rather than merely parroting the material.

Quotes should be relatively short and be used if the specific wording is important.

I hope this helps a little more.

To determine whether to quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source, you need to consider a few factors:

1. Purpose: Determine the purpose of including the information from the source in your own work. Are you using it to support an argument or provide evidence? Or are you using it to convey a general idea or concept?

2. Importance: Assess the significance of the information from the source. Is it a key point that needs to be highlighted, or is it supplementary information that can be summarized or paraphrased?

3. Style: Consider the style and tone of your own work. If you want to maintain the original wording and convey the exact meaning of the source, quoting is appropriate. If you prefer to rephrase the information using your own words, paraphrasing is suitable. Summarizing is useful when you want to condense the main points of a longer source.

4. Length: Determine the length of the source material. Quotes are usually used for shorter passages, while paraphrasing or summarizing is more appropriate for longer sections.

5. Attribution: Consider how you will give proper credit to the original source. If you use a quote, you must use quotation marks and provide a citation. Paraphrased or summarized information also requires citation, but in these cases, quotation marks are not necessary since you are using your own words.

Ultimately, the decision between quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing depends on the specific context and purpose of your work. Remember to always cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.