the formula K = C + 273 is used to covert temperatures from degrees Celcisu to Kelvin. Solve this formula for C.

subtract 273 from each side.

Thank you.

To solve the formula K = C + 273 for C, we need to isolate C on one side of the equation. Here's how we can do that:

Step 1: Start with the given formula K = C + 273.

Step 2: Subtract 273 from both sides of the equation to get C + 273 - 273 = K - 273.

Step 3: Simplify the equation to isolate C. C = K - 273.

Therefore, the formula to convert temperatures from Kelvin to degrees Celsius is C = K - 273.

If you have a specific value for K, you can substitute it into this equation to find the corresponding value for C.