What is Newfie Screech?


Newfoundland Screech is a very potent rum, distilled in St. Johns and consumed mainly by "Newfies".

The company started a major controversy a while back when they introduced a new label and bottle, and changed the legendary appearance of Screech.

I actually have an unopened bottle of the precious liquid.

Newfie Screech is a type of Newfoundland rum that is known for its unique and strong flavor. It is made by blending different types of Jamaican rums and molasses. The term "screech" is believed to have originated from the tradition of testing the potency and authenticity of the rum by using it as a cleaning agent for ship decks.

If you are looking for more detailed information about Newfie Screech, you can find it by following these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
2. Visit a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Type "Newfie Screech" in the search bar and hit Enter or click on the search button.
4. Browse through the search results to find websites, articles, or online forums that provide information about Newfie Screech.
5. Click on the most relevant and reliable sources to gather information about the history, production process, and cultural significance of Newfie Screech.

Remember to read information from reputable sources to ensure accurate and reliable information.