Biomedical is a physical phemonenon while biopsychosocial is physical, mental, and social. I can't figure out which one these examples are. "Which part of your body hurt?", "Is it a sharp pain?", "How long does the pain last"and "What pain medicines have you tried?"

I would consider all of these biopsychosocial phenomena because they call for patient interpretation. It could be argued that the first one is strictly physical, but when my daughter was 2 1/2 she suffered a head injury. Yet the next day she complained of her big toe hurting.

To determine whether these examples are related to biomedical or biopsychosocial aspects, we need to understand the context and approach used in each concept.

Biomedical perspective focuses solely on the physical aspects of a health condition or symptom. It explores biological factors such as physiological processes, anatomy, and the pathology of diseases. Biomedical questions seek to understand the purely physiological aspects of a symptom or health condition.

On the other hand, the biopsychosocial model takes into account the physical, mental, and social dimensions of health and illness. It recognizes that various factors, including biology, psychology, and social context, can influence a person's health experience. Biopsychosocial questions aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of a person's health condition by considering multiple aspects.

Now, let's analyze each question and determine whether it is more aligned with a biomedical or biopsychosocial perspective:

1. "Which part of your body hurts?"
- This question is primarily focused on identifying the specific physical location of the pain, suggesting a biomedical perspective.

2. "Is it a sharp pain?"
- This question also appears to be primarily interested in the physical nature of the pain, indicating a biomedical orientation.

3. "How long does the pain last?"
- This question explores the temporal aspect of the pain and could be interpreted as seeking information related to the physical duration of the symptom. However, it could also be relevant to understanding the overall impact on the individual's mental and social well-being. Without additional context, it is difficult to determine the exact perspective.

4. "What pain medicines have you tried?"
- This question mainly focuses on the medical interventions used to manage the pain, highlighting a biomedical perspective.

Based on this analysis, the first three questions appear to have a predominantly biomedical orientation due to their primary focus on physical aspects. The last question could be interpreted from either a biomedical or a biopsychosocial perspective, depending on the intention of the person asking.

Remember, the boundaries between biomedical and biopsychosocial perspectives can sometimes blur, as healthcare often requires a holistic approach.