how to make up a set of at least 12 numbers that have the following landmarks

minimum 3
maximum 9
median 7
mode 7


how to get X? add all the numbers, then
then find x, and you have it.


The answer is REALLY 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3. Also you know its right because im in G.A.T.E. it stands for gifted awesome teaching education its for SMART kids

hope this helps! :)

To create a set of at least 12 numbers that meet the given landmarks, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by including the minimum and maximum values in the set.
- Choose 3 as the minimum value, and 9 as the maximum value.

2. Next, determine the number of elements needed in the set.
- Since the median is given as 7, there should be an equal number of values below and above 7. Therefore, we need a total of 12 - 1 = 11 values in the set.

3. Distribute the remaining values on either side of the median to meet the mode requirement.
- Since the mode is given as 7, we need multiple occurrences of 7 in the set. Let's distribute some 7s on either side of the median to ensure it's the most frequently occurring value.

4. Distribute the remaining values randomly to create a diverse set.

Using these steps, here's one possible set of at least 12 numbers:

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9

In this set:
- The minimum value is 3.
- The maximum value is 9.
- The median is 7, with an equal number of elements below and above it.
- The mode is 7 since it appears five times, which is more than any other value in the set.

Remember, there may be multiple solutions to this problem, and you can create other sets that meet these landmarks by applying the steps mentioned above with different numbers.