
Use the quadratic formula.

even if the answer should be in standard form?

Ok, then I don't know what the question is.

To understand the function f(x)=-x²+10x-18, you need to break it down and analyze each term individually.

1. The x² term represents the square of the variable x. This means that x is being multiplied by itself, resulting in a positive value regardless of the value of x.

2. The 10x term represents the product of 10 and x. Since it is a linear term (first power of x), its value will change based on the value of x.

3. The -18 term is a constant. It does not depend on the value of x and will always remain the same.

To find the value of f(x) for a specific value of x, plug in that value into the equation and solve for f(x).

For example, let's find the value of f(x) when x = 3:

f(3) = -(3)² + 10(3) - 18
= -9 + 30 - 18
= 3

So, f(3) = 3.

To graph the function, plot several points by substituting different values of x into the equation and evaluating f(x). Connect these points with a smooth curve to get a graph of the function.

Hope this explanation helps you understand the function f(x)=-x²+10x-18 and how to find its value for a specific x and how to graph it.