What are the characteristics of LIVING THINGS?


Living things possess several key characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. These characteristics include:

1. Organization: Living things are organized and have a complex structure. They are made up of cells, which are the basic building blocks of life.

2. Reproduction: Living things have the ability to reproduce and pass on their genetic information to offspring. They can reproduce either sexually or asexually.

3. Growth and Development: Living organisms grow and develop over time. They go through various stages of life and undergo changes in their structure and function.

4. Energy Utilization: Living things require energy to carry out their life processes. They acquire nutrients or food from their environment and convert it into usable energy through processes like respiration.

5. Response to Stimuli: Living organisms can respond to stimuli from their external environment. They can detect and respond to changes in temperature, light, sound, touch, and other stimuli.

6. Homeostasis: Living things have the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. This is known as homeostasis.

7. Adaptation: Living organisms can adapt to their environment over time. They have the ability to evolve and change in response to environmental pressures.

To find more detailed and comprehensive information about the characteristics of living things, you can refer to biology textbooks, online educational resources, or consult scientific articles from reputable sources. These resources will provide you with in-depth explanations and examples for each characteristic.