Find the distance from pi.

7 pi/6. I subtracted 2 pi from this and got -5pi/6. But the correct answer is pi/6. Whwere did this come from?

If you are referring to reference angles, it is the acute angle that makes with the x-axis.

Since it is either 0 or 2π for the positive x-axis, or π for the negative x-axis, 7pi/6 makes π/6 with the negative x-axis, therefore the answer would be &pi/6.

If the question is not about reference angles, then you need to elaborate a little more.

Well in short pie means 180 degrees or 3.14 radians... subtracting 2 pie would be subtracting 360 giving you a co-terminal angle here's how i would've worked the problem

5pie 180 = 150 degrees
6 * pie
that's 30 degrees away from pie or 180
30 2pie = 1pie
pie * 180 6
in short 30 degrees equals 1pie over 6 and that's how far your angle is away from 180 or pie

the way it posted looks bad so I'm redoing the math with slash signs

5pie/6 * 180/pie = 150

30/pie * 2pie/180 = 1pie/6

To find the distance from pi, you need to calculate the absolute value of the difference between the given value and pi. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the given value: 7π/6.
2. Subtract 2π from the given value: 7π/6 - 2π = (7π - 12π)/6 = -5π/6.
3. Take the absolute value of the result to get the distance: |-5π/6| = 5π/6.

So, according to your calculation, you correctly subtracted 2π from 7π/6 to get -5π/6. However, you made an error when determining the distance by not taking the absolute value of -5π/6. The correct distance from pi is indeed π/6.

To avoid this mistake, always remember to take the absolute value when finding the distance.