What is happens to rocks after their elastic limit is passed?


Explaine- What happen to rocks after their elastic limit is passed? The things that happen to the rocks after their elastic limit is passed is it will suffer ireparable damage and it break into pieces.

What happens to rocks after their elastic limits is passed.

When rocks are subjected to stress or force, they undergo deformation. Initially, rocks can return to their original shape after the force is removed, as long as they are below their elastic limit. However, once the elastic limit of a rock is surpassed, permanent deformation occurs. This means that the rock will not fully recover its original shape and size even when the force is removed.

To understand what happens to rocks after their elastic limit is surpassed, it is important to understand the concept of elasticity. Elasticity refers to the ability of a material to deform under stress and subsequently return to its original shape when the stress is removed. Rocks, like other materials, have an elastic region within which they will return to their original shape when stress is applied, and an elastic limit beyond which they experience permanent deformation.

Once a rock surpasses its elastic limit, it enters the plastic region. In this region, the rock undergoes permanent deformation, meaning it retains its new shape and doesn't return to its original shape even after the stress is removed. The rock might experience changes in shape, size, or volume, depending on the type of stress applied and the characteristics of the rock.

In some cases, the rock might undergo fracturing or breaking if the stress is too intense. This can result in the formation of cracks or faults within the rock. These cracks or faults can vary in size and orientation and can have significant geological implications, such as the creation of pathways for fluids or the formation of new landforms.

It is worth noting that rocks have different properties and behaviors depending on their composition, structure, and geological history. Therefore, the exact response of a rock to stress beyond its elastic limit can vary. To study the behavior of rocks under specific conditions, researchers and geologists use various methods such as laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, and field observations.