Three neighbors are sharing a rectangular strip of land fir a garden. They divide the land into 24 equal-sized pieces. What fraction of the land does each person get if they share it equally? Write the answer in more than one way

If there are 24 equal-sized pieces, each gets 1/3 of them, which is 8 pieces. You can do the cutting up into 24 pieces in different ways.


-If you take 24 divided by three it would equal up to eight.

-Then if you multiply eight times three it would equal up to 24.

-Finally if you take 8 and put it on top of 24 it would make a fraction.

Each person would get 8 pieces of land.

I do not nooo help me plese

Hmm.. Hard question; but i hope my conjecture is right. First, you can cut the land strips into 24ths. Each person will get 8 pieces of it. Another way is to do the same thing but each person gets 3 pieces. By the way I have the same question for my homework, so I'm not exactly sure if this answer is right. Overall, I hope this helped!


All your answer were great but I think there is only one way also I have this question in middle school Hackensack Mrs.Darling class 2015-2016 Kids in middle school.

Wait I you have to right in a different form I think you have to right the whole number the the fraction

P.S this is the same Anthony who said 2015-2016 Middle school Hackensack
P.P.S Just letting you know.

To find the fraction of the land each person gets, we need to divide the total number of pieces of land by the number of people sharing it.

In this case, there are 3 people sharing the land, and it is divided into 24 equal-sized pieces. So, each person will get 24 divided by 3, which is 8 pieces.

To write this answer in different ways, we can express it as a fraction, a decimal, and a percentage.

1. Fraction: Each person will get 8 out of 24 pieces of land. Simplifying this fraction gives us 1/3, which means each person will receive one-third of the land.

2. Decimal: To convert the fraction 1/3 into a decimal, divide 1 by 3. The result is approximately 0.33333 (rounded to 5 decimal places).

3. Percentage: To convert the fraction 1/3 into a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100. So, 1/3 equals (1/3) * 100 = 33.33% (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Therefore, each person will get 1/3, approximately 0.33333, or 33.33% of the land.