When a single card is drawn from an ordinary 52-card deck, find the odds in favor of getting the 4 of spades.

This is the answer I got, could someone tell me if I have done it correctly?

Odds in favor of A = Number of ways A could occur / 1 - Number of ways A could not occur

Odds in favor of getting a 4 of spades = 1/52 / 1 - 1/52
= 1/51
= 1 :: 51

The odds are 1/52 of getting the four of spades and 51/52 of not getting it.

Yes, you have calculated the odds in favor of getting the 4 of spades correctly. The odds in favor of an event A can be calculated using the formula:

Odds in favor of A = Number of ways A could occur / (1 - Number of ways A could not occur)

In this case, the "Number of ways A could occur" is 1, since there is only one 4 of spades in a 52-card deck. The "Number of ways A could not occur" is 51, since there are 51 other cards that are not the 4 of spades.

So, your calculation of 1/52 divided by (1 - 1/52) gives the odds in favor of getting the 4 of spades as 1/51 or 1 : 51.

Yes, you have calculated the odds in favor of getting the 4 of spades correctly.

To find the odds in favor of an event, you need to divide the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of possible outcomes minus the number of ways the event cannot occur. In this case, there is only one 4 of spades in a deck of 52 cards, so the number of ways the event can occur is 1. The total number of possible outcomes is 52 since there are 52 cards in the deck. The number of ways the event cannot occur is 52-1 = 51, because we subtract the one 4 of spades from the total number of cards in the deck.

Therefore, the odds in favor of getting the 4 of spades is 1/51. This means that for every 1 way that you could get the 4 of spades, there are 51 ways that you could not get it. So the odds can be expressed as 1 :: 51.