
In an integration solution, the integral of (1/(sqrt (8-u squared)) is written as arcsin(u/sqrt 8), but I don't see how they got it. When I did it I got (1/8)*(arcsin(u*sqrt8)). What I did was take sqrt8 common in the denominator to get it in the form sqrt(1-u sq.) and then find the integral (arcsin u) and then since my 'u' was sqrt.8 * u, I divided sqrt.8 from the whole thing. Where did I go wrong?

"take sqrt8 common in the denominator to get it in the form sqrt(1-u sq.)"

Shouldn't it be

When you do a substitution, it is always advisable to use a different letter. You are likely to confuse yourself if you use the same letter, namely, substitute u by u/sqrt(8).


∫ du/sqrt(8-u^2)
=∫ du/(sqrt(8))/(1-(u/sqrt(8)))
=∫ dw/(1-w^2)

square root of (1-u squared)

To find the integral of (1/(√(8-u^2)), you can use a trigonometric substitution.

Let's start by rewriting the integral:

∫(1/(√(8-u^2))) du

Now, we can make the substitution u = √8 sinθ. This substitution will help us simplify the integral.

Differentiating both sides with respect to u, we get:
du = √8 cosθ dθ

Now we can substitute u and du into the integral:

∫(1/(√(8-u^2))) du = ∫(1/(√(8 - (√8 sinθ)^2))) (√8 cosθ) dθ
= ∫(1/(√(8 - 8sin^2θ))) (√8 cosθ) dθ
= ∫(1/(√(8(1 - sin^2θ)))) (√8 cosθ) dθ
= ∫(1/(√(8cos^2θ))) (√8 cosθ) dθ
= ∫(1/(2cosθ)) dθ
= ∫(secθ) dθ

Now, we need to solve this integral. Recall that the derivative of arcsec(x) is 1/(x√(x^2 - 1)).

So, we have:
∫(secθ) dθ = arcsec(secθ) + C
= arcsec(u/√8) + C

Therefore, the correct integral is arcsin(u/√8) + C, not (1/8) * arcsin(u√8) + C as you calculated.

You went wrong when you divided √8 from the entire expression. Instead, you need to use the trigonometric substitution and follow the steps mentioned above to simplify and evaluate the integral correctly.