Why does mrs. higgins believe that higgins' experiment will cause problems for liza?

is it because higgins will fall in love with her

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a. liza will fail & become depressed

b. liza will be given the manners of a fine lady without any way to earn money to live like one
c. she will be shunned by her old friends
d. higgins will fall in love with her

To understand why Mrs. Higgins believes that Higgins' experiment will cause problems for Liza, it's necessary to look at the context of the question. Based on the given information, it is not explicitly stated why Mrs. Higgins has this belief. However, we can make an inference based on the characters and their relationships in the play or story.

In the George Bernard Shaw play "Pygmalion" (which is where the characters Liza and Higgins originate from), Mrs. Higgins is portrayed as Henry Higgins's mother. She is often shown as a more insightful and perceptive character.

One possible reason why Mrs. Higgins may believe that Higgins' experiment will cause problems for Liza is because of the nature of the experiment itself. In "Pygmalion," Higgins attempts to transform Liza from a common flower girl into a refined lady. This involves teaching her how to speak and behave like a member of a higher social class.

Considering Mrs. Higgins' understanding of her son's personality and behavior, she may be concerned that Higgins could become too involved or invested in the experiment. This could potentially cause emotional complications and lead to problems for Liza. It is not explicitly about Higgins falling in love with Liza, but rather the emotional consequences of Higgins' actions and their potential impact on Liza's well-being.

It is also worth noting that Mrs. Higgins' concerns might stem from her deep understanding of social dynamics and potential consequences, as transforming Liza's social identity could bring about challenges in her life, relationships, and future aspirations.

However, it's important to remember that interpretations of literary works can vary, and this answer is based on a general understanding of the characters and their dynamics. For a more specific or nuanced understanding, it is recommended to refer to the original source material or consult different interpretations of the play.