Let me know the verbs which don't have passive voice forms. For example:

He has a pen.(o)
A pen is had by him. (X)
Would you let me know the website about that?

1. He is having dinner.
2. Dinner is being had by him.
(Is #2 correct as a passive voice of #1?)

Technically, #2 is a correct passive of #1, but it's a very awkward sentence. Active is always better if you can do it! Especially with the word "have" or "had" since that word has so many meanings, it's awful!

Click on 10. Good, straightforward explanation and examples.

http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/passive.htm <~~good explanation and examples and charts here.

In the right-hand column, click on Grammar and Mechanics and then on Active and Passive Voice.