$25 dollars can be saved by buying a jacket that is marked down 20%. what was the jackets original price?

was is $125

Right again!

To find the jacket's original price, we can use the equation:

Original Price - Discount = Sale Price

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's assume "x" represents the original price of the jacket.
Original Price = x

2. The jacket is marked down by 20%, which means the discounted price is 80% of the original price.
Discounted Price = 80% of x = 0.8x

3. The sale price is $25 less than the discounted price.
Sale Price = Discounted Price - $25 = 0.8x - $25

According to the information given, we know that the sale price is $25. So, we can set up the equation:

0.8x - $25 = $25

Solving this equation will give us the value of "x," which represents the original price of the jacket.

0.8x = $25 + $25
0.8x = $50

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 0.8 to isolate "x":

x = $50 / 0.8
x = $62.50

Therefore, the jacket's original price was $62.50