
Upper class
-high status
-church jobs

Middle class
-high professions
-good degrees

Working class
-skilled labour/unskilled labour

Please add to this, I would appreciate more info, thanks in return

The middle class usually only had an elementary school education.

Often the working class did not go to school and many were illiterate.

thank you

You're welcome.

Certainly! Let's add more information to each category:

1. Upper class:
- In addition to high status and church jobs, the upper class typically consists of individuals who possess significant wealth, land, and expensive property.
- They often have access to exclusive educational institutions and private schools that provide high-quality education designed to groom them for leadership roles.
- Members of the upper class usually engage in prestigious professions such as doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and politicians.
- They may also be involved in philanthropy, arts, and cultural activities, and frequently participate in social events within their exclusive circles.

2. Middle class:
- The middle class comprises individuals who have achieved a moderate level of financial stability and comfort.
- They often hold professional jobs that require specialized knowledge and skills, such as engineers, teachers, accountants, and managers.
- Education plays a crucial role in upward social mobility for the middle class, as they strive to obtain good degrees from reputable universities.
- Middle-class individuals typically enjoy a higher standard of living, with comfortable housing, access to healthcare, and opportunities for leisure activities.
- They may also have the ability to save and invest for the future, although their wealth is not as substantial as the upper class.

3. Working class:
- The working class is characterized by individuals engaged in skilled or unskilled labor, often involving manual work or service-oriented jobs.
- Skilled labor refers to jobs that require specialized training or expertise, such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, or technicians.
- Unskilled labor typically involves tasks that do not require specialized knowledge or training, such as assembly line workers, cleaners, or food service workers.
- Education for the working class is often limited, with many individuals completing compulsory education but not pursuing higher degrees.
- Working-class individuals might face more financial insecurity and may not have the same level of access to social and cultural opportunities as the middle and upper classes.

It's important to note that societal classifications can differ between countries and cultures, and this is a broad overview.