Is my prose poem alright?

Every morning, my father goes to work and us to school because we have the liberty to do that. Everywhere, all types of people are working as one and having a fine time. Back in the day, some people weren't allowed to work and the schools were separated, but not here.
That is how our past should have been; that is how our present is. Freedom is a beautiful thing and we take full advantage of it.


Determining whether a prose poem is "alright" is subjective and can vary depending on personal taste and individual writing style. However, I can provide some guidelines to help you assess the quality of your poem.

1. Read it aloud: Poetry often has a rhythmic quality, even in prose form. Reading your poem aloud can help you identify any awkward phrasing or areas where the flow could be improved.

2. Check for clarity and coherence: Ensure that the ideas in your poem are expressed clearly and logically. Your poem appears to convey the idea of freedom and how it has positively affected your life, so make sure the language and structure support this theme.

3. Evaluate word choice: Pay attention to your choice of words and phrases. Consider whether they effectively convey the emotions or ideas you want to express. You may want to look for opportunities to use more vivid language or explore different metaphors or imagery.

4. Seek feedback: Sharing your poem with others, such as friends, fellow writers, or writing groups, can provide valuable feedback. They can offer different perspectives and suggestions for improvement that you may have missed.

Remember that writing is a personal expression, and the most important thing is to enjoy the process and feel satisfied with your work.