Please help me find the pattern

212 , 106 , 135 , 67 , ___ , 47

IT should be twice 47, right?

It's 56 so u subtract 11 times 78 get it?

To find the pattern in the given sequence, we need to look for some sort of mathematical relationship or pattern between the numbers.

Let's analyze the given sequence:
212, 106, 135, 67, ___, 47

Looking at the numbers, we can observe that each number alternates between decreasing and increasing.

If we take the difference between the consecutive numbers, we can see the pattern more clearly:
106 - 212 = -106
135 - 106 = 29
67 - 135 = -68
___ - 67 = ???
47 - ___ = ???

From the differences, we can see that there is a negative number followed by a positive number. These alternating positive and negative differences suggest that we might have an alternating pattern between addition and subtraction.

Therefore, to find the missing number, we can apply the pattern to the last known number in the sequence (67). Depending on whether the difference before it was positive or negative, we can either subtract or add the subsequent difference to find the missing number.

Let's calculate the difference before 67:
135 - 106 = 29
Since the difference is positive, we will add it to 67:
67 + 29 = 96

So, the missing number in the sequence is 96.

Final sequence:
212, 106, 135, 67, 96, 47