I need help writing a free verse poem on a newspaper article I read about a cat being stuck in a vending machine for three days. Can I please get some links that can help me start off? Free verse poems are really easy to write, but I'm not sure how to gather all my thoughts and how to start


Brainstorm! Write down ALL the words you can think of that pertain to that article. Be sure to include the cat's probable feelings. You should get a full page of words. Then you can choose the words that will best express what you want to say in the poem.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you get started on writing your free verse poem based on the newspaper article about the cat in the vending machine! While I cannot provide direct links, I can guide you on how to gather your thoughts and find inspiration for your poem. Here are a few steps to get you started:

1. Reflect on the newspaper article: Begin by rereading the article and taking note of the various details, emotions, and ideas that stand out to you. Consider the event itself, the feelings it evoked, the reactions of people involved, and any significant imagery or symbolism.

2. Brainstorm and freewrite: Set aside some time to jot down your thoughts and feelings about the article. Write freely without worrying about structure or rhyming. Focus on capturing the essence of the story, the atmosphere, or anything else that resonates with you. Allow your ideas to flow naturally onto the paper.

3. Look for poetic elements: Seek out specific poetic elements within the article that can be used as a starting point for your poem. This could include rich metaphors, vivid descriptions, unique language, contrasts, or even direct quotes from people involved. Identify the lines or phrases that stand out to you and highlight their significance.

4. Explore different perspectives: Consider exploring the event from multiple perspectives. Think about the cat's experience, the reactions of the people who found it, the authorities involved, or even the vending machine itself. Shifting perspectives can add depth and complexity to your poem.

5. Experiment with form and structure: Free verse allows for fluidity and freedom in structure, but you can still experiment with different poetic devices. Play around with line breaks, enjambment (continuing a thought from one line to the next), rhythm, repetition, or any other techniques that can enhance the overall flow and impact of your poem.

Remember, writing poetry is a personal and creative process, so don't be afraid to trust your instincts and follow your own unique style and voice. Use the article as a foundation, but let your imagination and emotions guide you. Good luck, and have fun with your poetic exploration!