I need to know what two fractions when subtracted equal:

and 3/10
the denominator has to be different and it cant be an improper fraction.thanks

Your problem is very confusing. You "need to know what two fractions when subtracted equal" then you list 3 fractions. Which two are to be subtracted. What do we do with the third one?

No No I meant what two fractions can be subtracted to equal

they are separate

i really need help

For the first one of 3/5.

4/5 - 3/15 = 12/15 - 3/15 = 9/15 = 3/5.

5/9 - 8/18 = 10/18 - 8/18 = 2/18 = 1/9

I hope this helps and I hope I followed all of the rules.

55 mhp to 70 mhp

To find the two fractions that, when subtracted, equal 3/5, 1/9, and 3/10, we can use algebraic methods. Let's denote the unknown fractions as x/y and a/b.

1. Set up the equation for the first fraction:
(x/y) - (a/b) = 3/5

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD) of y and b to eliminate the denominators:
b*x - a*y = (3/5) * y * b

3. Simplify the equation:
b*x - a*y = 3by/5

4. Now, set up a similar equation using the second fraction:
(x/y) - (a/b) = 1/9
b*x - a*y = by/9

5. Lastly, set up the equation for the third fraction:
(x/y) - (a/b) = 3/10
b*x - a*y = 3by/10

By solving these equations simultaneously, we can find the values of x and y that satisfy all three equations.

It's important to note that there are infinitely many solutions to these equations, so we won't have a unique answer. We can find one possible solution by assigning arbitrary values to b and a, and then solving for x and y.

For example:
Let's say b = 5 and a = 9.
Then, we have:
5x - 9y = 3y
9x - 5y = 3y/10

By solving these equations, we can find one possible solution for x and y. However, it may not be in the form of a simplified fraction, and it's not guaranteed to satisfy the condition of having different denominators nor being a proper fraction.

Alternatively, you could use a numerical method such as trial and error or a calculator to find approximate values for x and y that satisfy the given conditions. This method would involve guessing and testing various values until the desired fractions are obtained, which can be a more practical approach for specific examples.