manmohan singh's views on global warming

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "'Manmohan Singh' 'global warming'" to get these possible sources:

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To find Manmohan Singh's views on global warming, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an online search: Start by searching for "Manmohan Singh's views on global warming" using a search engine like Google. This will provide you with various sources of information including news articles, interviews, speeches, and public statements made by him.

2. Look for official statements: Check government websites or official statements made by Manmohan Singh during his tenure as Prime Minister of India. These sources might have specific references to his views on global warming or climate change.

3. Explore media interviews: Look for interviews conducted with Manmohan Singh where he might have discussed his thoughts on global warming. These can be in the form of print interviews or video footage from talk shows or panels.

4. Analyze speeches: Manmohan Singh has given speeches at national and international forums. Search for his speeches related to environmental issues, climate change, or sustainable development. These speeches often highlight the speaker's perspective on important topics such as global warming.

5. Consider his tenure: Manmohan Singh served as Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. During this period, global warming and climate change were prominent topics of discussion. Therefore, it's likely that he addressed these issues at various forums and shared his opinions on the matter.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information on Manmohan Singh's views on global warming. Remember to critically evaluate the sources and cross-reference multiple reliable sources for a comprehensive understanding of his stance.