What kind of work is done by volunteers?

1. To help the handicapped to take baths and have meals.

2. To take care of children in/at orphanages.

3. To care for sick people/patients at hospitals.

4. To clean dirty places such as rivers, seas, and mountains.

5. To do paper work at city halls or town offices.

6. To help the work of mail carriers at post offices.





(Would you check the expressions and corect errors, please. And could you name some more things that volunteers can do? Thank you for your help.)

1. To help the handicapped to take baths and have meals. good

2. To take care of children in orphanages.

3. To care for sick people at hospitals.

4. To clean dirty places such as rivers, seas, and mountains. good

5. To do paper work at city halls or town offices. good

6. To help the work of mail carriers at post offices. good

7. To stuff envelopes for charity organizations, such as Star of Hope Mission.

8. To tutor math in my sister's 4th grade classroom.

9. To drive a van and take senior citizens to do grocery shopping and keep doctor appointments.

10. What else can you think of?

Sure! Here are some more examples of the work that volunteers can do:

7. To assist in animal shelters or animal rescue organizations, taking care of the animals, feeding them, and cleaning their living spaces.

8. To mentor or tutor students in schools or after-school programs, helping them with their studies and providing guidance and support.

9. To participate in community outreach programs, organizing events or fundraisers to raise awareness and help those in need.

10. To provide companionship or support to the elderly, visiting them in nursing homes or assisting them with daily activities.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and make a positive impact. Many organizations and websites exist where you can find volunteer opportunities relevant to your interests and skills. You can start by researching local non-profit organizations, community centers, or online platforms that connect volunteers with opportunities. Additionally, you can reach out to your local government or school district for volunteer programs they may have in place.