The form of the poem God's Grandeur is that of

The form of the poem "God's Grandeur" is a sonnet. To determine the form of a poem, you can consider its structure, rhyme scheme, and number of lines.

A sonnet is a type of poem that traditionally consists of 14 lines and follows a specific rhyme scheme. In the case of "God's Grandeur," it is written in a variation of the Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet form. This form is characterized by its octave (the first eight lines) and sestet (the final six lines).

In terms of the rhyme scheme, the octave in "God's Grandeur" follows an ABBA ABBA pattern, where the first and fourth lines rhyme with each other, and the second and third lines rhyme with each other. Meanwhile, the sestet follows a CDECDE pattern, with each line having a unique rhyme.

Overall, the sonnet form of "God's Grandeur" adds a concise and structured quality to the poem while allowing the poet to explore and express their thoughts and emotions within a specific framework.