Find the multiplicative inverse of the number. 9 1/7

9 1/7 =


what number multiplied by (64/7) will give me 1 ?

64/7 I think

no, it would have to be 7/64

wouldn't you want them to cancel and get 1 ?

(64/7)(7/64) = 1

the multiplicative inverse of a number is the reciprocal of that number.

To find the multiplicative inverse of a number, you need to calculate the reciprocal of that number. The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by interchanging the numerator and denominator.

The given number is 9 1/7. To find the reciprocal, we convert it to an improper fraction.

9 1/7 is the same as (7 × 9 + 1)/7, which simplifies to 64/7.

Now, to find the multiplicative inverse, we calculate the reciprocal by interchanging the numerator and denominator. So, the multiplicative inverse of 9 1/7 is 7/64.