f(x) =-8x-5 find the slope and the y-intercept

y = mx + b

slope is -8 and b is -5

To find the slope and y-intercept of a linear function, you can start by recognizing that the given function is in slope-intercept form, which has the general form of:

f(x) = mx + b

In this form, "m" represents the slope of the line, and "b" represents the y-intercept. By comparing the given function f(x) = -8x - 5 with the slope-intercept form, you can identify the slope and y-intercept.

Slope: The slope, represented by "m" in the slope-intercept form, can be directly read from the given function. In this case, the slope is -8. So, the slope of the given function is -8.

Y-intercept: The y-intercept, represented by "b" in the slope-intercept form, can also be determined from the given function. For linear functions in slope-intercept form, the y-intercept is the constant term. In this case, the constant term is -5. So, the y-intercept of the given function is -5.

Therefore, the slope is -8 and the y-intercept is -5 for the function f(x) = -8x - 5.