How do I structure a DBQ essay in the body paragraphs?

To structure a DBQ (Document-Based Question) essay in the body paragraphs, you can follow these steps:

1. Topic Sentence: Start each body paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or argument of the paragraph. This sentence should relate directly to the prompt and the thesis statement.

2. Historical Context: Provide some brief background information about the time period or event being discussed in the paragraph. Explain the historical context to help the reader understand the significance of the document(s) being analyzed.

3. Document Analysis: Select and analyze specific documents that support your thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on one or two primary sources and explain their relevance to the overall argument.

a. Introduce the document: Begin by providing important details about the document, such as its source, author, date, or any relevant background information.

b. Summarize the document: Provide a concise summary of the document's content, making sure to include any key ideas, arguments, or evidence presented.

c. Analyze the document: Explain how the document supports or contradicts your thesis statement or the main argument of the essay. Consider the author's perspective, the purpose of the document, and any biases or limitations that may be present.

d. Connect to the thesis: Clearly explain how the analysis of the document helps support your thesis statement or the overall argument of the essay. Make sure to clearly articulate the connections between the document and your main point or argument.

4. Outside Evidence: In addition to analyzing the provided documents, include one or two pieces of outside evidence to further strengthen your argument. This evidence can come from your knowledge of the topic or from other relevant historical sources.

5. Linking Sentence: End each body paragraph with a strong concluding sentence that summarizes the main point, reinforces the argument, and provides a smooth transition to the next paragraph.

Remember, the body paragraphs of a DBQ essay should be organized in a logical manner and present a clear argument or analysis supported by evidence from the provided documents and outside sources.