26. Which of the following statements about New Zealand's first inhabitants is NOT true?

a. the origin of the Maoris is in dispute by scholars
b. the Maoris lost most of their land in the 1800s to British colonists.
c. the Maoris are trying to reassert their claims to the land.
d. today, the Maoris comprise about 40 percent of New Zealand's population

28. Which statement explains why Aborigines protected their enviroment?
a. the Aborigines followed the example of the English settlers
b. the Aborigines believed the Earth was sacred
c. the Aborigines were concerned about global pollution
d. the government instituted strict conservation policies after the outback was exploited


correct on both.

Thanks! (:


To answer question 26, the statement that is NOT true is option D, which states that today the Maoris comprise about 40 percent of New Zealand's population.

To get the answer, we can analyze each statement and determine its accuracy:

a. The origin of the Maoris is in dispute by scholars: This statement is true. There is ongoing debate and research among scholars about the exact origin of the Maoris.

b. The Maoris lost most of their land in the 1800s to British colonists: This statement is true. In the 1800s, British colonists arrived in New Zealand and engaged in land acquisitions that resulted in the loss of significant amounts of Maori land.

c. The Maoris are trying to reassert their claims to the land: This statement is true. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of Maori activism and efforts to reassert their land rights and cultural identity.

d. Today, the Maoris comprise about 40 percent of New Zealand's population: This statement is NOT true. As of the latest statistics, which could change over time, the Maori population in New Zealand is estimated to be around 16.5 percent, not 40 percent.

As for question 28, the statement that explains why Aborigines protected their environment is option B, which states that the Aborigines believed the Earth was sacred.

To get the answer, we can analyze each statement and determine its accuracy:

a. The Aborigines followed the example of the English settlers: This statement is not a plausible explanation. Aboriginal cultures have a long history and relationship with the environment that predates the arrival of English settlers.

b. The Aborigines believed the Earth was sacred: This statement is true. Aboriginal cultures have a deep spiritual connection with the land, considering it sacred and essential to their identity and way of life.

c. The Aborigines were concerned about global pollution: This statement is unlikely to explain why Aborigines protected their environment. Global pollution is a relatively modern concept, and Aboriginal concerns would have been more closely tied to their immediate surroundings.

d. The government instituted strict conservation policies after the outback was exploited: This statement does not provide a direct explanation for why Aborigines protected their environment. It suggests a response after exploitation but does not capture the inherent cultural and spiritual values that motivated the Aboriginal relationship with the land.

Therefore, option B, "the Aborigines believed the Earth was sacred," is the most accurate explanation for why Aborigines protected their environment.