Hi. I am trying for an A in my French class and every point counts. I would appreciate any feedback on my answers. Thank you!!

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec une forme d’un de ces verbes: croire, voir, recevoir.
1. Jean et Julien __________ Jean et Julien- I'm not sure???
2. Vous__________ un cadeau de vos parents pour votre anniversaire. Recevez
3. Nous__________ un film au cinéma samedi dernier. (passé composé) avons vu
4. Est-ce que tu __________ qu’elle est sympathique ? Crois
5. Je déteste Paul. Je n’ai pas envie de le __________. Vois

1) I don't understand that sentence

5) Je n'ai pas envie de le voir

Thank you for the help. I don't understand the question for #1 either.

1. Jean et Julien voient = they see, do see, are seeing. The other verbs will require an object.

Sra (aka Mme)

1- Jean et Julien voient

2- Vous recevrez
3- Nous avons vu
4- Est-ce quetu crois
5 -je deteste Paul. Je n'ai pas envie de le voir.
explanation of 5) I don't like Paul. I don't want to see him.

Great job on your answers! Here is some feedback:

1. For the first question, the correct answer is "se croient." The verb "se croire" is a reflexive verb and requires the reflexive pronoun "se" before the verb. So the correct answer would be "Jean et Julien se croient." This means "Jean and Julien believe themselves."

2. Your answer for the second question is correct. It should be "recevez." This means "You receive."

3. Excellent! Your answer for the third question is correct. It should be "avons vu." This means "We saw."

4. Well done! Your answer for the fourth question is correct. It should be "crois." This means "Do you believe."

5. Fantastic! Your answer for the fifth question is correct. It should be "vois." This means "see."

To improve your accuracy in French, it's important to review the conjugation rules for each verb and be mindful of any special cases such as reflexive verbs. Keep practicing and you'll continue to improve! Let me know if you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with. Good luck with your French class!