Write a minimum of a 500 word-essay or a minimum five-stanza poem using Definition or Classification and Division. (Note: If the poem is free verse, it must be at least 400 words.) Be sure to follow the developmental methods presented in this lesson. Your work must have a recognizable theme. (Note: Definition and Classification and Division are not appropriate for writing short stories.)

Topic Choices: Choose any topic listed below, if you choose Classification and Division.:
(Use division and classification (into at least three categories) as your basic method fo analyzing one of the following subjects from an interesting point of view.)
college students
college teachers
hunters (or fisher)
drug users
police officers
summer ( or part-time)jobs
sailing vessels
game show hosts
horses ( or other animals)
t.v. programs
motivations for study
methods of studying for exams
selling techniques
tastes in clothes
contemporary music or films
ways to spend money
attitude towards life
fast food ( or junk food)
books or magazines

If you chose Definition to develop your piece, choose a topic listed below:
(Definiton: Develop a composition for a specified purpose and audience, using whatever methods and expository patterns will help convey a clear understanding of your meaning of one of the following terms:)
country music
social poise
intellectual ( the person)
equality ( or equal oppurtunities)
stylishness (in clothing or behavior)

I want to do Definition, and on the topic: Family

any better ideas?

p.s. I think in Definition, you just have to extend the definition of the topic you choose. 'extnd definition by illustrating how some owrds go far beyond their dicitonary definition'

I would have chosen lies. About sixty years ago,there was a popular book,Lies People Tell. I think one could have fun defining and classifying those.

Now in the definition area, you are going to expand, as you noted. Feminine would be a fun one to do also, as wisdom would be.

how could i expand on wisdom?

because for family i was thinking, that maybe i could explain what family means to different people.


Each one of these quotes could reveal meaning:


And check a dictionary, there are four different meanings of wisdom.

alrighty..i'll do it on wisdom. so you can help me :D

p.s. i don't htink i'm allowed to use the dictionary definition...
i'll start on this tomorrow
thanks again

Sure! If you're interested in exploring the topic of "Family" using the Definition method, you can definitely extend the definition of the term and illustrate how it goes far beyond its dictionary definition. Family is a rich and complex concept that encompasses more than just the traditional definition of a group of individuals related by blood or marriage.

To begin your essay, you can start by providing a brief and concise dictionary definition of family, just to set the foundation. For example, you can mention that the dictionary defines family as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. However, you can then dive deeper into the various aspects and dimensions of family that go beyond this basic definition.

One aspect you can highlight is the emotional bond within families. Family is not just about the biological or legal connection, but also about the strong sense of love, support, and interdependence that exists among its members. You can explain how family provides a safe haven where individuals can find acceptance, understanding, and comfort. It is a space where one can openly express their thoughts, emotions, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment.

Furthermore, you can explore the idea of chosen family or non-biological connections. Family extends beyond blood ties and can include close friends, mentors, and even communities that provide a sense of belonging and support. This highlights the importance of the emotional connections and shared experiences that create a family-like bond, regardless of biological relations.

Another aspect you can touch upon is the role of family in personal development. Families play a significant role in shaping an individual's values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life. They provide a foundation for moral and ethical development, shaping character and teaching important life lessons. Family acts as a primary source of socialization, influencing behaviors, and fostering personal growth.

Furthermore, you can explore the diversity within families. Families can come in various forms, including single-parent families, blended families, same-sex families, and multi-generational households. By discussing these different family structures, you can highlight the inclusivity and adaptability of the concept of family.

Additionally, you can discuss how the definition of family has evolved over time. With changing social norms and cultural shifts, the traditional definition of family has expanded to be more inclusive and reflective of the diverse society we live in. You can delve into the importance of recognizing and respecting different family structures and highlighting the resilience and strength they possess.

Overall, in your essay on the topic of family using the Definition method, you can extend the definition by illustrating the various dimensions, emotional connections, personal development, diversity, and evolving nature of the concept. This will help convey a deeper understanding and appreciation for the significance of family beyond its dictionary definition.