plot the points on the grid. join them with a ruler, label your line y=x-2

To plot the points and draw the line y = x - 2 on a grid, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up a grid with x- and y-axes. Ensure that the range of the axes is appropriate for the points you want to plot. For example, if the points have x and y values within the range of -10 to 10, set the x-axis from -10 to 10 and the y-axis from -10 to 10.

Step 2: Plot the points by placing a dot on the grid for each coordinate pair. Here, we need to plot multiple points on the line y = x - 2.

To find the points on the line, we can choose several x-values, substitute them into the equation y = x - 2, and solve for y. Let's choose x-values ranging from -5 to 5 as an example.

For x = -5, substituting it into the equation gives us y = -5 - 2 = -7. So the point (-5, -7) is on the line.

For x = -4, we get y = -4 - 2 = -6. The point (-4, -6) is on the line.

Continuing this process, we find the following points on the line: (-3,-5), (-2,-4), (-1,-3), (0,-2), (1,-1), (2,0), (3,1), (4,2), and (5,3).

Step 3: After plotting all the points, take a straight edge, such as a ruler, and connect the dots. Draw a straight line passing through all the plotted points. Make sure the line is as accurate as possible.

Step 4: Finally, label the line as y = x - 2. You can write the label next to the line or on top of it to indicate the equation.

Congratulations! You have successfully plotted the points and joined them with a ruler, labeling the line y = x - 2 on the grid.