
To calculate the value of 56 divided by 7, you simply need to perform the division operation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Take the number 56 (the dividend) and divide it by 7 (the divisor).
2. Write down the divisor (7) outside the division symbol and the dividend (56) inside the division symbol.
7 | 56
3. Begin the division process by asking yourself, "How many times does 7 go into 56?" Start with the largest multiple of 7 that is less than or equal to 56, which is 8. Write this number above the line, just above the dividend.
7 | 56
- 56

4. Multiply the 7 (divisor) by 8 (quotient) to get 56 and write this number just beneath the dividend.
7 | 56
- 56

5. Subtract the result of the multiplication (56) from the dividend (56). The result is 0.
7 | 56
- 56

6. Since the difference is 0, there is no remainder.

Therefore, 56 divided by 7 equals 8.

So, the answer to 56/7 is 8.