Find the distance between the two points. Round an approximate result to the nearest hundredth.

(-1, -1) and (3, -7)
A) 7.21 B) 26 C) 6.93 D) 24

i don't know if i am doing something wrong but i keep getting the answer of 2

Yes, you are doing something wrong.

distance=sqrt( (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 )

Think of it like a right triangle.

The distance horizontally is 4 (from -1 to 3). The distance vertically is 6 (from -1 to -7).

You know the formula a^2 + b^2 = c^2 with c being the hypotenuse.

Therefore, 4^2 + 6^2 = c^2 and c is the distance between the points.

16 + 36 = c^2

52 = c^2

The square root of 52 is just more than 7 because 7^2 = 49. So your answer is A

What is the distance between P(–4, 3) and Q(6, 1)? Round to the nearest tenth.

To find the distance between two points in a coordinate plane, you can use the distance formula, which is based on the Pythagorean theorem.

The distance formula is given by:

d = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

In this case, the points are (-1, -1) and (3, -7).

Let's substitute the values:

d = sqrt((3 - (-1))^2 + (-7 - (-1))^2)

Simplifying this, we have:

d = sqrt(4^2 + (-6)^2)

d = sqrt(16 + 36)

d = sqrt(52)

To get the approximate result rounded to the nearest hundredth, you can use a calculator or simplify manually:

sqrt(52) ≈ 7.211

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the approximate result is 7.21.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) 7.21.