which of the following is an example of consumable equipment?

A. A magnifying glass
B. Unit blocks
C. Finger paint
D. A bulletin board

The correct answer is B


It's too bad you don't understand the term "consumable equipment."



Just a hint, but can you explain how finger paint lasts forever? I'd love to know to help cut down on costs.

To determine which of the following is an example of consumable equipment, let's first understand what consumable equipment means. Consumable equipment refers to items or materials that are used up or depleted after a certain period of use or activity.

Now let's examine the options provided:

A. A magnifying glass: A magnifying glass is a tool used for enlarging objects or texts. It does not normally get used up or depleted with regular use. Therefore, it is not an example of consumable equipment.

B. Unit blocks: Unit blocks refer to wooden blocks used for construction and play. These blocks may be used, rearranged, and combined in various ways, but they do not typically get used up or depleted over time. Hence, unit blocks are not considered consumable equipment.

C. Finger paint: Finger paint is a type of paint that is used for artistic activities, typically by children. It is applied with fingers or brushes and is typically consumed or used up during the painting process. This makes finger paint an example of consumable equipment.

D. A bulletin board: A bulletin board is a display board typically made of cork or foam, used to pin up notices, messages, or information. Unlike the magnifying glass, unit blocks, and finger paint, a bulletin board is not something that gets used up or depleted with regular use. Therefore, it is not an example of consumable equipment.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is C. Finger paint.