Thank you for taking the time to respond.

I am in the 5th grade. However word problems are a problem. On my homework sheet it says,
Strategies Used....
Visual Thinking...
My soloution
First I... Then I... Next I... After that I... Finally I... My answer is...
I think my answer makes since because...
I guess I am not sure how to word everyting on my sheet.

What grade level are you working at?
Do you know how to solve simple equations?

I merely took the English sentences and translated them into "math"

I even preceded my mathematical equation with the English sentence that allowed me to form that equation.
I really don't know how to explain it in more simple steps.

Write 16/5 as a mixed number.

Based on the information you provided, it seems like you are currently in the 5th grade and you are working on strategies for solving word problems in math. It's great that you are trying to break down the problem-solving process step by step.

To help you with your homework sheet, let's go through each part of the strategies you mentioned and explain how to approach word problems.

1. Visual Thinking: This strategy involves using diagrams, pictures, or other visual representations to help you understand the problem. This can be especially useful when dealing with complex or abstract problems. To apply visual thinking, try drawing out the problem or using manipulatives (like blocks or counters) to represent the elements of the problem.

2. My Solution: This is where you explain the steps you took to solve the problem. It's important to break down the problem into smaller parts and describe the actions you took to solve each part.

3. First I... Then I... Next I... After that I... Finally I...: These phrases indicate the sequential steps you took to solve the problem. In this section, you should describe each step in a clear and organized manner. For example, "First, I read the problem carefully and underlined the important information. Then, I identified the unknowns and variables in the problem. Next, I chose the appropriate operation to use. After that, I substituted the values and solved the equation. Finally, I checked my answer to make sure it makes sense in the context of the problem."

4. My Answer Is...: This is where you state your final answer to the problem. Ensure that you provide the solution in the correct units, if applicable.

5. I Think My Answer Makes Sense Because...: This part allows you to explain why you believe your answer is correct. You can use reasoning or evidence from the problem to support your answer. For example, if you were solving a word problem about distance, you can explain that your answer makes sense because it matches the given information about the distance traveled.

Remember, it's important to understand the problem, identify the key information, choose the appropriate strategy to solve it, and double-check your solution. Breaking down the problem-solving process into smaller steps can help you organize your thoughts and tackle word problems effectively.