ok give me examples of a ploymer that follows these conditions

it must have at least 100 atoms
it must have at least 3 monomers
it must be organic, from a living thing

thanks so much!

To find an example of a polymer that meets the given conditions (at least 100 atoms, at least 3 monomers, and organic from a living thing), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand what a polymer is
A polymer is a large molecule composed of repeating subunits called monomers. These monomers join together through chemical reactions to form a long chain.

Step 2: Research natural organic polymers
Natural organic polymers are found in living organisms and can fulfill the requirement of being organic from a living thing. Examples of natural organic polymers include proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and natural rubber.

Step 3: Find a polymer with at least 100 atoms and 3 monomers
Among the various natural organic polymers, let's consider proteins as they typically meet the given criteria. Proteins are composed of amino acid monomers that are linked together by peptide bonds. Each amino acid consists of several atoms, so the total number of atoms in a protein can easily exceed 100. Additionally, proteins consist of at least 3 amino acids, fulfilling the requirement of having at least 3 monomers.

Step 4: Conclusion
Therefore, proteins can serve as an example of a polymer that satisfies all the given conditions: it has at least 100 atoms, at least 3 monomers, and is organic from a living thing.