2-300 word response that identifies and explains distinguishing characteristics of each of the five developmental periods

do they mean?

Synaptic pruning occurs at different rates in different areas of the brain.Overall, though, brains actively prune synapses during childhood.
Myelination continues to protect neurons and speed transmission of signals.

am i on right track?

I doubt it.

Doesn't this assignment ask you to describe the behaviors and learning a person has at each of these levels?

Also -- be sure you understand what you write.


are the five developmental periods Infancy (Birth–2), Early Childhood (2–6), Middle Childhood (6–10), Early Adolescence (10–14), Late Adolescence (14–18)

then what do i have to explain? do i have to explain wha u might observe, diversity, and implications for all the 5 groups?

Scooby, apparently you didn't read (or comprehend) your text materials.

Here's a paragraph from the site Bobpursley linked above.

"The first period of development starts at infancy; this includes birth up until two years old. This period is a time when children develop " basic human traits-emotional bonds to other human beings, nonverbal communication and language expression, motor exploration of the physical environment, and systematic approaches to learning about people, places, and things" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 18). As an infant, children are extremely dependant on the caregiver, but they are equipped with certain abilities that they know will achieve a response. Children are able to cry in order to receive attention; and through positive responses from the caregiver infants develop a need to learn. Infants learn through the concrete things in their surroundings such as the toys they play with and the noise the telephone makes. As infants grow they develop a sense of confidence as they also develop a desire to learn and explore. Infants develop so much at this young age that they are hard to keep up with."

Study that paragraph. Then put it in your own words for your assignment.

Do the same for the other four stages.

so i was correct with the five developmental periods. they are Infancy (Birth–2), Early Childhood (2–6), Middle Childhood (6–10), Early Adolescence (10–14), Late Adolescence (14–18)

i wasn't quite sure what to explain on second part

Read the site that Bobpursley posted. All of the information you need is in that article.

Yes, you are on the right track in terms of discussing the developmental periods. However, you will need to provide more information about each developmental period and its distinguishing characteristics. The synaptic pruning and myelination processes you mentioned are aspects of brain development that occur throughout multiple developmental periods.

To fully address the question, you can provide a brief description and explanation for each of the five developmental periods: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Here's an example response that expands on the characteristics of each period:

Infancy is the period from birth to around 2 years of age. This stage is characterized by rapid physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Infants undergo significant growth in their motor skills, language abilities, and sensory perception. Developmental milestones during this period include rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking. Infants are also highly dependent on their caregivers for basic needs and emotional support.

Early Childhood:
Early childhood spans roughly between 2 to 6 years of age. At this stage, children continue to develop their motor skills further, gaining more control over their movements. Their language skills progress rapidly, allowing them to acquire a larger vocabulary and express themselves more clearly. Additionally, cognitive development becomes more apparent, with an increased ability to think logically, remember, and problem-solve. Socially, children begin to engage in more complex play, make friends, and develop social skills.

Middle Childhood:
Middle childhood spans from approximately 6 to 11 years of age. During this period, children further refine their motor skills, allowing for increased coordination and athleticism. Cognitive development continues to progress, with improvements in attention span, memory, and logical thinking. Academically, children improve their reading, writing, and mathematical abilities. In terms of social development, they form deeper relationships, learn cooperation, and develop a sense of self-identity.

Adolescence is the period between approximately 12 to 18 years of age. It is characterized by significant changes in physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains. Physically, adolescents go through the growth spurt, develop secondary sex characteristics, and experience hormonal changes. Cognitive abilities continue to advance, with increased reasoning skills, abstract thinking, ability to plan ahead, and consider multiple perspectives. Socially, adolescents seek independence, form their own identity, and navigate complex relationships with peers and family.

Adulthood is the stage that follows adolescence and lasts throughout a person's life. It is characterized by stability and further growth in various aspects of life. Physically, individuals reach their peak physical fitness and then experience gradual decline. Cognitive abilities generally remain stable, although continued learning and experiences can lead to further intellectual growth. Socially, adults establish relationships, pursue careers, and may start families. They also face various life challenges and experience personal growth and development throughout their lives.

By including these details about each developmental period, you will provide a comprehensive response that demonstrates your understanding of the distinguishing characteristics of each stage.